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What the Apocalypse tells us about the Turning Point


When the Apocalypse is discussed, most will think of the Christian Book of Revelation. But there are a surprising number of apocalyptic prophecies, often with historical connections and similar themes. The Apocalypse is found not only in Christianity, but in nearly every religion.





Stories about the Apocalypse contain prophecies of broad scale and scope. But first we should define prophecy. These psychic messages and oracles describe a certain subject, namely what could happen if we do not change our ways and/ or external influences do not change.

A prophecy, therefore, is a description of a situation that could come true if humanity does not do anything to alter its consciousness or overall situation, from the time of the prophecy to the time of the predicted event or occurrence. However, this is essentially always the case, because everything changes constantly. Therefore, whether or not a prophecy is fulfilled hinges directly on the thinking, decisions and conduct of Humankind, and of course, on external developments in the environment during this period as well as the influence of the dark side. As we have already recognized, the quality of consciousness and the events of our history play a decisive role.

The logic or goal of a prophecy is thus to make us aware of something on the one hand, and to warn of the consequences of our conduct if nothing changes on the other. All prophecies, therefore, are to be seen in this light even if the specific dates are not at all possible.





Apocalypses are a special kind of prophecy, received directly from the Creator or its representatives, which tell of an end, a transition and a new beginning of divine creation.


The first apocalypse prophecies originated in antiquity, in the creation myths of Assyria and Babylonia where they appear in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Zoroastrianism in Persia described a final battle between good and evil, which was eventually adopted by Hellenism in Greece. The Norman culture believed in “Ragnarok”, the destruction of the world that decimates all but a small portion of humanity.



The Christian Apocalypses in the Gospels


The Christian apocalypses, especially the


  • Apocalypse of John (NT)
  • Apocalypse of Paul (Apocrypha)
  • Apocalypse of Peter (Gnostic)


and their key messages will be compared in the following summary.



  • The Apocalypse of Mary (Gnostic)
  • 1st, 2nd, 3rd Apocalypse of Jacob (Gnostic)
  • Apocalypse of the Shepherd of Hermas
  • Apocalypse of the Book of Daniel (NT) are only referenced here as an overview.



We will now focus on the core message of the three apocalypses that were supposedly influenced by Jesus. The most widely known is the transition time revelation of John the Seer (not to be confused with the Apostle John, or John the Baptist), followed by the ascension prophecy of Paul and the persecution prophecy of Petrus.



Summary of the Christian apocalypses


Among the common elements in these three apocalypses is that the people following the path of the Lord:


  • must first endure great persecutions and catastrophes and make amends
  • will have to meet and be tested by the Antichrist Haniel, Satan or their Asuras
  • will overcome through the return of Christ and his Plan of Redemption
  • will then live in a time of change, ascension and purification
  • so that their souls can ascend through different levels of development on Earth and in higher dimensions
  • will return to our true home, the kingdom of love in the spiritual world.



Thus these apocalyptic prophecies provide us with information and images from visions of the heavenly hierarchy and creation for the sake of spiritual development and the return to the world of the Lord.


It is always the three archangels, the trinity of the trinities, who deliver these visions and declarations to the prophets in all three revelations. They also guide and lead the individual and the collective attempts at ascension, as it is part of their task in the holy Plan of Redemption of Eioua and Sophia Christ.


  • Thus, CAMAEL MELCHIZEDEK is he who leads the attempts upon the Earth,
  • and MICHAEL MELISM is he who protects these attempts,
  • and GABRIEL METATRON is he who connects us to them and to the Creator and powers of the spiritual world. Mainly it was he who spoke to the prophets. Mohammed himself referred to Archangel Gabriel.



These three apocalypses are again connected with the new millennium and the changing of the aeon (or age of the Zodiac). We will use this to transition to the legends surrounding the cyclic sand annual calendars for a more accurate chronological reference.





This is an excerpt from the book DEI LEGACY.