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Direct comparison of the three major
Cycle Calendars


What does this all look like at our present point in time with regard

to the turning points of the respective cyclical calendar cycles

and how they correspond?



Vedic Age


  • Kali Yuga began around the year 800 AD
  • The Satya Yuga begins between 2000-2100 AD
    (after Sri Yukteswar Giri)



Mayan Age (conjunction Sun/Milky Way, December 21, 2012)


  • The ancient calendar ends on December 22, 2012
  • The new calendar will begin on December 23, 2012
    (Jenkins, other sources)


Astrological Age


  • Pisces will end between 2000 – 2200 AD
  • Aquarius begins after 2000 AD (various sources)

Vergleich Veda, Maya und Astro Kalender



These correlations of the cyclical new beginning and the number 

of approximately 26,000 years astonish even matter-of-fact people

– when contemplating three fundamentally different systems from

different ages and continents – even if one allows for a 100 year

margin for the different systems of dating. Do not you think so? 

 Does this mean that they are all based on the same cosmic knowledge, 

on the DEI LEGACY of our ancestors? 


Yet, if we are actually at the beginning of a new era according to the 

 cyclical calendars, it will not automatically harken in a “golden age”

or “spiritual age”. For us, it will all depend on what we learn from it, 

what information and pathways we will assimilate, 

 and how we will live…





This is an excerpt from the book DEI LEGACY.