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Christ consciousness


This is why the spread of Christ consciousness on Earth is now crucial.

But what is Christ consciousness really, which Paul wrote about and

now appears more frequently in other religious, spiritual and esoteric

sources? For me, simply put, it is the conscious mind of love for the

Creator, our fellow beings and ourselves, as well as the whole of divine



Or as Paul describes it, as a deep perception and beautiful image:

“it is no longer I that live, but Christ living in me”.


It helps to discern that the DEI Christ aspect incarnated as Jesus in order

to plant the new seed of love. Jesus as Christ means, however,

that Jesus as an incarnated man recognized and overcame the

illusion of separation by steadfastly focusing on the divine love in His heart.


“I am the way, the truth, and the life.

No one comes to the Father, except through me.”

(the Gospel according to John 14:6)


Apokalypse von Hans Georg Leiendecker

A beatiful depiction of the “apocalypse” or ascension of souls by Hans-Georg Leiendecker.



He has shown us and lived the path of love as well as bestowed

upon us the truth of our divine spiritual life; it is the only way to

return to unity. It is for these reasons that we can and should follow

Him, even if it means daily devotion and some self-discipline,

especially in reflecting on and directing our thoughts.

We must simply bask in this love, abstain from evaluation and

judgment, and dispose of recognized habits and patterns in our

minds and everyday lives. Once we have adopted and attempt to

live this mindset, our entire being changes as well as our behavior

regarding everything from our fellow human beings, society and

economics, to environmental conservation and animal welfare, etc.


This consciousness is not bound to the Christian religions because

every creature that feels and acts in this way lives in the Christ

consciousness, no matter the name of their god or where it resides

and how it works. And once a critical mass of free beings chooses this

path, the result will not be the prophesized end times, but truly a

turning point. This holds for us the promise of many blessings for the

ascending souls, if the few and simple criteria are fulfilled for the

awakening being of the seven God races.





This is an excerpt from the book DEI LEGACY.